Rules for the Internet
Contributing Adults : Please read and agree to "Contributing Adult Acceptable Use Policy" by clicking the link in the Table of Contents
Students and Minor Users : Please click on "Minor Users Acceptable Use Policy" in the Table of Contents. Read and agree to these rules and the disclaimer. Students, please print out, sign, and return to me.
Minor Users Acceptable Use Policy
The primary purpose of Writers At Work, Eagle Views, and the sister electronic communications sites, herein called WAW/EV*, is to support and enhance writing, learning, and teaching that prepares users for success. Providing access to WAW/EV is an investment in the future. WAW/EV supports the core beliefs of positive teaching and learning:
* Do what’s best for students.
* Continue to learn and grow.
* Respect and care about each other.
Electronic communication is a tool for life-long learning, and that access to WAW/EV is one of the resources that promotes educational and organizational excellence. Responsible use of WAW/EV will allow users to significantly expand their knowledge by accessing and using information resources, and by analyzing, collaborating and publishing information.
1. Please, no last names, addresses, IM screen names, photos, etc. Never EVER EVER give out or record personal information on your Internet work. Your Internet work exists as a public space on the Internet. Don't share anything that you don't want the world to know. For your safety, be careful what you say, too. Don't give out your phone number or home address. Remember, what you say today may still be there in ten years--when you don't what it to be. The Internet is a public space requiring public civility and appropriateness.
2. Do not link to your personal blog/journal from your school Internet work; you might reveal information on there that you don't want to reveal on your school Internet work.
3. If you want to write your opinion on a topic, make sure you're not going to be offensive as you write it.
4. Always make sure you check over your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, and your use of words. Paste your post in a word processor and run spell check, or download a spell checker for your browser. Do not use text-messaging abbreviations —we're writing for learning.
5. Never disrespect someone else in your Internet work, whether it's a person, an organization, or just a general idea. You don't want someone making a stab at what you are passionate about; don't do it to someone else. Again, your Internet work is a public space. And if you put it on the Internet, odds are really good that it will stay on the Internet. Always. That means ten years from now when you are looking for a job, it might be possible for an employer to discover some really hateful and immature things you said when you were younger and more prone to foolish things. Be sure that anything you write-- you are proud of. It can and will come back to get you if you don't.
6. Don't write about other people without permission; if you can't get their permission, don't use their name. Never share someone else's last name. Remember our rule on using initials.
7. Watch your language! This is part of our learning community. Language that is inappropriate in a public place like school is also inappropriate in your Internet work.
8. Make sure things you write about are factual. Don't be posting about things that aren't true. Link to your sources. Never link to something you haven't read. While it isn't your job to police the Internet, when you link to something, you should make sure it is something that you really want to be associated with. If a link contains material that might be creepy or make some people uncomfortable, you should probably not include it in your Internet work.
9. Keep it education-oriented. That means that you probably shouldn't discuss your plans for the weekend, the last dance, etc.
10. All your searches and Internet work must be classroom project oriented; no personal surfing or writing.
I designed this site as a resource for myself, my students and their families as well as for other students or teachers. The information here has been created by myself, other educators, and others, with credit provided as needed. Since there are some general guidelines (see above) for being able to add to student sites, we know that following the guidelines will enhance our learning process. Remember to contact any technology specialist to help you with any problems or concerns regarding your computer as I have no control over settings or other changes if you download to your computer.
Additional Information: If any inappropriate content is found on this site, it will be removed.
Users not following the guidelines will lose participation privileges.
Please contact me with any questions:
Students: Print out and sign a copy of this page. Return to me.
Contributing Adults
Acceptable Use Policy Writers At Work Sites
Note: Mail link in box at end of main policy.
The primary purpose of Writers At Work. Eagle Views, and the sister electronic communications sites, herein called WAW/EV*, is to support and enhance writing, learning, and teaching that prepares users for success. Providing access to WAW is an investment in the future. WAW supports the core beliefs of positive teaching and learning:
* Do what’s best for students.
* Continue to learn and grow.
* Respect and care about each other.
Electronic communication is a tool for life-long learning, and that access to WAW/EV is one of the resources that promotes educational and organizational excellence. Responsible use of WAW/EV will allow users to significantly expand their knowledge by accessing and using information resources, and by analyzing, collaborating and publishing information.
WAW/EV users should use WAW/EV in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with local, state, or federal law. The use of WAW/EV is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for inappropriate behavior. Users assume responsibility for understanding the policy and guidelines as a condition of using WAW/EV. Use of WAW/EV that is inconsistent with this policy may result in loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.
The following uses of WAW/EV are unacceptable and may result in suspension or revocation of network privileges. Unacceptable use is defined to include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Transmission of any material in violation of any local, state, or federal law. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted materials, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.
- The use of profanity, obscenity or other language that may be offensive to another user.
- Any form of vandalism, including but not limited to, damaging computers, computer systems, or networks, and/or disrupting the operation of the network.
- Copying and/or downloading commercial software or other material (e.g. music) in violation of federal copyright laws.
- Use of the network for financial gain, commercial activity, or illegal activity, e.g. hacking.
- Use of the network for political activity.
- Use of the network to access or promote pornographic or obscene material.
- Creating and/or placing a computer virus on the network.
- Accessing another person's individual account without prior consent or accessing a restricted account without the prior consent of the responsible administrator or user.
I designed this site as a resource for myself, my students and their families as well as for other students or teachers. The information here has been created by myself, other educators, and others, with credit provided as needed. Since there are some general guidelines (see above) for being able to add to student sites, we know that following the guidelines will enhance our learning process. Remember to contact any technology specialist to help you with any problems or concerns regarding your computer as I have no control over settings or other changes if you download to your computer.
Additional Information: If any inappropriate content is found on this site, it will be removed.
Users not following the guidelines will lose participation privileges.
Please contact me with any questions:
Writers At Work, Eagle Views, and sister sites:
Other sister sites may be added; this list may not be complete, and should not be construed as such. Please check with administrator for questions.
Credits: Adapted from Acceptable Use Policy at
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