

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

Welcome Guest Writers



This web site exists for a group of wandering adolescent writers, meandering through the writing process with occasional power and frequent frustrations. Please advise us on your struggles and successes to put a human face on our daily search to capture just the right words or phrases to grab our readers' attention. Thank you.

"My most important piece of advice to all you would-be writers: when you write, try to leave out all the parts readers skip." -Elmore Leonard, author of crime stories and westerns.

Write with your own voice, use your own words.


Never use a word with which you aren't truly familiar, one that you've only just seen by looking it up in a dictionary or thesaurus. Those are great tools for expanding your knowledge and vocabulary, but true understanding of the proper use of a word only comes with experience.


If you try to tell your story or your viewpoint with words that aren't truly yours, readers may sense that you have lost your voice, that you aren't being true to yourself, and, therefore, untrue to your message and to them. You may even sound pretentious — like you are pretending to be someone you're not just so you can impress someone else.


You can bring a word into your own expereince by reading it in many different writings, making sure you understand the context in which the writer uses it. In this way you increase your own power to communicate and to connect with others. This is the greatest power in the world, and each word you add to your own experience makes you that much more powerful.

— Scott Hunter, editor of The Star newspaper



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