

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 3 years, 9 months ago


       Eagle Views    





What We Publish


At this site we will draft our wonderful words for publication on our Eagle Blog for families to read the news and views of our school from us, the sixth grade reporters.


What We Read


We will read other blogs, other news articles, and each others' work to learn the craft of writing as reporters.


What We Write


After finding a fantastic style, we will put our pens to our paper and create our own writing using the reporter style.  Then we publish the piece, each on our own page for someone else to acknowledge, review, and proofread. We will share phrases, paragraphs, essays, poems, reports, etc with the goal of acknowledging the style within that makes the piece a picture in the reader's mind.  By discovering and recognizing the styles we do well, we can move on to more powerful writing in our new pieces, all the while informing our families of the news and views at our school as our school's reporters. Take a chance: writing well takes practice, just like a two-point lay-up takes practice for your basketball team.


Before We Start


First, we write to meet our Essential Academic Learning Requirements (see here). Our writers strive to use the strategies of effective writers, which the Essential Academic Learning Requirements address.


And second, of course, we have our rules.  Please be certain you have read and agreed to our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Etiquette. Use the I Agree page. You also need on file your technology slip from registration.  Ask me; I'll let you know what you need to join the writing.



A Note To Parents


Please read theAcceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Wiki Etiquette for information on your child's responsibilities and safety.  Please report any concerns you may have. The site is password protected so only approved users can participate.  Student names are coded.   ms_edwards@mac.com


Please read the What Wiki Is and Learning With Wikis to discover the power of learning with wikis.


Past Projects 2009


Easy Essays




The News Project

First Steps to Journalism

Choosing a Story

Grade 6 Writers


Choosing a Story

News Story Questions

Story Planning

Story Options

Interview Tips

Story Log



Reporter Lesson Log





I designed this site as a resource for myself, my students and their families as well as for other students or teachers. Our class educational network provides us the opportunity to practice and plan for entering the online world as 21st Century citizens. The information here has been created by myself, other educators, and others, with credit provided as needed. Since there are some general guidelines (see above) for being able to add to student sites, we know that following the guidelines will enhance our learning process. Remember to contact any technology specialist to help you with any problems or concerns regarding your computer as I have no control over settings or other changes if you download to your computer.


Additional Information: If any inappropriate content is found on this site, it will be removed. Please notify me of any such content. 

Users not following the guidelines will lose participation privileges.


Please contact me with any questions.  Ms Edwards Click Contact Me in sidebar.


Thank you


Live to make the world less difficult for each other.

~ George Eliot



"Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com"  

"Man is never truly himself except when he is actively creating something.” ~ Dorothy Sayers, mystery author


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