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News Story Questions

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 15 years, 5 months ago

The News Project

Choosing a Story

News Story Questions

Story Planning

Story Options

Interview Tips

Story Log

Reporter Lesson Log



Here are some questions to get ideas for creating your news articles:



1) What is happening in grade six? examples: celebrations, events, fundraisers, field trips

2) What are you learning about in class? 

3) What is happening in the school? examples: events, fundraisers, field trips



1) What events are happening in your community? examples: concerts, fundraisers, programs, clubs

2) Are there any new businesses or stores in your community? Interview someone who works at a business and ask them questions about their workplace. 

3) Any new families in the community? Where are they from? Why did they move to your community?

4) What type of industries are found in your community? 



1) What do students think about your school?  Survey students and ask them what they like about school. Why would a new student want to come to your school?  What makes your school the best?

2) Do you wish there were more sport teams, clubs, extra curricular activities in school? If you do, which ones? Discuss why your school should get more activities for students.



1) What type of sports are offered in your school? Community?

2) Are the sports competative or recreational? 

Write articles about the sports and clubs that you are involoved with and any sporting events in the community.



1) Conduct classroom surveys and post the results in your newspaper

2) Write and illustrate comics for the newspaper.  These comics could be about school, sports, community, animals

3) Write jokes, cartoons, fun facts in your newsblog

4) Include an activity for the readers.  examples: crosswords, word searches, word scrambles


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